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Adolescent Parental Violence (APV)

RSMS are pleased to announce that we have developed and are piloting a new Adolescent Parental Violence (AVP) programme alongside Cambridge Police in recognition of the urgent need for a resource which takes a holistic approach to violence within the family unit.

Research taken in to consideration includes recent Home Office Guidance on APV, Holes in The Wall, Research undertaken by DI Bartlett which looks more specifically at the factors present in police call-outs involving APV, and existing interventions such as Break for Change.

RSMS has a successful track record of developing online behavioural change interventions, utilised by Probation, Police, Prisons and the Third Sector. These are developed by subject matter experts and utilise a genre of treatment known as computerised CBT (endorsed by NICE 2009). The APV Hub is the first to involve both Adults and Children and facilitators will be trained to ensure it is delivered as intended. The programme consists of 8 chapters (1.5 hours each), each chapter is heavily discussion based and is structured in the following way:

  • Knowledge (The particular topic of the chapter is introduced)
  • Parents (Parents are asked to apply the topic to themselves)
  • Child/P (Child is asked to apply the topic to themselves)
  • Reflection-Together (Facilitated discussion between child/YP and Parent)
  • New Tool (Parent and Child/YP are given a tool related to the topic to help improve communication/issue)
  • Session summary


The chapters include:

  1. Experiences-Looking at how our past experiences can impact on our behaviours and interactions
  2. Exploring Our Experiences- More depth with regards to current stresses, parenting styles and impact of these
  3. Respect-What is it, why is it important, how do we show it, what are the benefits?
  4. Managing and Showing Emotions-Why is it important, how can we do this in a healthy way?
  5. Violence and Abuse-What does this look like, what is the impact, how can we avoid it?
  6. Substance Use-How can this change our behaviour and contribute to an unhealthy home environment?
  7. Perspective Taking- Including views of, and impact on Siblings
  8. My Family Plan- Drawing together what has been learnt, what will be put in to action and how will this be monitored.


Intended Outcomes:

  • Parent and Child have a developed understanding of how their past experiences along with their thoughts and feelings impact on their behaviour
  • Parent and Child understand how to identify their current stress factors, how to manage these in a positive way in order to avoid them impacting negatively on their behaviour. This also aims to increase dialogue and awareness between parent/child re things like pressures and perspective taking
  • Parent and Child have increased understanding of what constitutes respectful behaviour, why it is important and beneficial to their relationship. Both will be encouraged to talk about how they can behave more respectfully and avoid behaviours that are not respectful
  • Parent and Child have an increased understanding of how to recognise their emotions, how to prevent acting impulsively on emotions and what techniques may help them manage emotions
  • Parent and Child have an increased understanding of what constitutes violent and abusive behaviour, how it can damage trust and relationships and how it can be avoided
  • Parent and Child develop an understanding of why they may use substances and how they can exacerbate personal wellbeing and relationships. Participants will also be encouraged to think about how they can achieve the effects they seek (e.g. feeling relaxed) through positive, non-harmful means and how to action this
  • Parent and Child have an increased understanding on the negative impacts of their behaviours on others (and each other) in terms of both the long-term and short-term
  • Parent and Child collaboratively set goals that they will be accountable for progressing with regards to reducing abusive behaviour and improving their relationship/communication, and how they will do this.

Should you require any further information, please get in touch.

If you are currently utilising this programme as part of the pilot, you can only make a referral at a specific link which would have already been distributed.

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