Model of Change


The Intervention Hub hosts a catalogue of specialist online Low / Medium intensity programmes known as Hubs.

Our programmes seek to address problematic and offending behaviour and raise awareness of problems in a new innovative manner.

The Intervention Hub utilises a multi model approach but is predominately based on Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT). Other models and elements that are incorporated into the Hub include:

  • Psychoeducation;
  • Mindfulness;
  • Desistance Theory;
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT);
  • Cycle of Change;
  • Motivational Interviewing;
  • Pro-Social Modelling.


Our model of change is based on:

  • Knowledge – The user is presented with multi-modal information to help develop an awareness of the subject matter;
  • Understanding- Reinforces and assesses understanding whilst also helping practitioners identify any areas of concern or development;
  • New Skills – The user is offered a number of problem solving strategies and skills to make sustainable changes. They are also able to download a PDF summary of the new skill that they can use outside of the session.


By empowering users with new information and skills, our aims are to: teach, prompt discussion, clarify problems, develop new skills including problem solving, consider need for further more intense support and address offending behaviour.