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Hate Crime Pilot

RSMS are working in collaboration with Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridgeshire Constabulary to develop and implement a Hate Crime Behavioural Insights Trial.

The aim of this project is to change the motivations and behaviours of Hate Crime perpetrators, reduce public sector demand linked to Hate Crime, and increase confidence in reporting Hate Crime and Hate incidents reported in Cambridgeshire, Fenland and Peterborough. Cumbria Constabulary have also now joined the trial (funded by Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner). Each chapter should take 30min to complete, 5 hours in total for the intervention.

The Behavioural Insights being measured and addressed through the following chapters are Capability and Motivation. The content of the 10 chapters that make up the intervention are as follows:


Chapter 1: Programme Goals, Understanding Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviour and Motivations Behind Hate Crime

Chapter 2: Exploring Victim impact in relation to Hate Crime

Chapter 3: Identifying Thinking Traps, Bias and Prejudice, increasing Perspective Taking

Chapter 4: What is Anger and Understanding My Anger

Chapter 5: Key Emotions-Shame

Chapter 6: Managing My Reaction-Strategies

Chapter 7: Recap, My Actions and Behaviour

Chapter 8: Peer influence and Belonging, Groupthink and Hate Crime

Chapter 9: The Role of the Media, Questioning the Media and Thinking about Difference

Chapter 10: Final Thoughts, Decision Tree and Returning to My Goals


Additional Factors: As part of the intervention development, typologies of Hate Crime Perpetrators will be considered. Factors commonly associated with such offences (e.g. substance misuse) will be addressed through the chapters.


“The programme is a really good thing and has helped me and opened my eyes to dealing with different scenarios. Lots taken on board, thought it would be a load of rubbish but really enjoyed it. From the sessions I have done, on the Hate Crime Hub it does show you how to be calmer. I used to be like, ‘I’ll treat people how they treat me’ but I want to change that so I remain calmer in situations. I have definitely learnt from this course.” – Service User


Should you require any further information, please get in touch.

If you are currently utilising this programme as part of the pilot, you can only make a referral at a specific link which would have already been distributed.

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