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Red Snapper Group Awarded Master Vendor Contract with Hampshire Police

Red Snapper Group (RSG) are pleased to announce they have been awarded a recruitment master vendor service contract with Hampshire Constabulary.

RSG has been tasked with delivering approximately 100 specialist agency workers over an initial 12 month period to support criminal investigations in key locations throughout Hampshire, including Portsmouth, Southampton, Basingstoke and the Isle of Wight.

RSG will provide the force with highly skilled and experienced investigation practitioners, drawn predominantly from local areas, at PIP 1 and PIP 2 level to support acquisitive crime up to serious, complex and major crime.

The contract also enables RSG to deploy contingent labour into other specialist areas across Hampshire Constabulary’s Investigation Command, including Intelligence Analysts, Intelligence Researchers, HOLMES Indexers, Readers and Receivers as well as PIP 3 and PIP 4 SIOs; providing a wide range of investigative skill sets to one of the busiest forces in the country.

Darren Bradley, RSMS Operations Director made the following statement regarding the contract announcement:

We look forward to delivering a high quality service to Hampshire Constabulary across the contract term to achieve the objectives set out within the contract and to enable the PCC and Chief Constable’s vision of effective and efficient operational policing to reduce offending.”

The RSG master vendor contract will be driven by service areas from across the group, specifically the Recruitment, Managed Services, Media, HR and Learning and Development teams.

Both the Red Snapper Recruitment (RSR) and Red Snapper Managed Services (RSMS) teams will work in tandem to deliver efficient and effective recruitment outcomes, leveraging the skills and knowledge of the group’s law enforcement recruitment and project management experts. Whilst RSG’s specialist blue light sector job boards, provided by the Red Snapper Media (RSM) network, grant our recruitment team access to a talent pool of local specialists unavailable to other organisations.

Red Snapper Learning (RSL) will manage the CPD for all workers deployed to the contract and importantly, deliver refresher training and up-skilling for specific individuals; ensuring skills, knowledge and professional standards are maintained.

This joined up approach highlights the unique service offering the Red Snapper Group provides to its customers within the bluelight sector – allowing us to meet the needs of our customers where other service providers simply cannot.

Furthermore Hampshire Constabulary will enjoy preferential access to RSG’s unique social value programmes aimed at increasing levels of diversity and inclusivity within policing.

This is Red Snapper Group’s third contract awarded through the YPO Public Sector Procurement Framework – Lot 5: Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment for Emergency Services. The contract term is for 12 months, with an option to extend for a further 12 months beyond the contract end date.

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