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RSMS awarded contract to undertake a Hate Crime Behavioural Insights trial by Cambridgeshire County Council

In recognition and response to the concerning increase in Hate Crime Incidents both locally and nationally during the pandemic, Red Snapper Managed Services (RSMS) is pleased to announce that they have been awarded the contract to undertake a Hate Crime Behavioural Insights trial by Cambridgeshire County Council.

This exciting project will see the design, development and trial of a new innovative intervention to address Hate Crime in collaboration with the Council and Cambridgeshire Police. This project will be run within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and has the potential to prevent future offending and reduce Hate Crime incidents.

The pilot commenced in March 2021 and is anticipated to be completed within 12 months where a full evaluation will take place regarding its effectiveness.

The director of the Red Snapper Group has stated:

“We’re very pleased to have been awarded this important project.  Challenging abusive behaviour aimed at specific groups due to their perceived differences is important work.  We’re delighted to be part of the solution”

Rob Hill, Cambridgeshire County Council’s Assistant Director for Community Safety said:

“We know that hate crime has a major impact on victims and want to do all we can to keep them safe. This pilot will allow us to tackle the offenders who cause this harm and address the root causes of their behaviour to prevent this from continuing. We are delighted to be given this opportunity to shape and influence this vital work”

Tiff Lane Action Against Hate coordinator for Cambridgeshire Constabulary said:

“This is a great opportunity to combat hate using one of the most effective methods – education and awareness about the harms that hate causes to its victims & communities. It is simply unacceptable and rarely lawful to target a person because of hostility towards their perceived personal characteristic.”

To find out more about this service please contact:

Jonathan Hussey, Operational Director, Red Snapper Managed Services, jonathan.hussey@rsg.ltd

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